Museuming at the MoMA #fullmoonday #nearthecentralpark #love #robertindiana #nyc
햄버거 트리플크라운 달성! ハンバーガーの分野でトリプルクラウンを達成する! I achieved a triplecrown! . . 개인적으로 맛은 인앤아웃이 최고이나 내 사랑은 #쉑쉑버거 #쎅쎅버거 .. #파이브가이즈 #인앤아웃 #shakeshack #fiveguys #inandout #nyc
Can you feel the love tonight? Can you feel the N.Y.C. tonight? #thelionking #minskofftheatre #45thstreet #circleoflife #hakunamatata #dontworry #behappy #broadway #timesquare #불후의명작
The museum is alive. My favorite scenes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.博物館は生きている。 ニューヨークのメトロポリタン博物館を訪問する。세번째인데도 올때마다 행복하다;;
Which is my choice? 私の選択は何だろうか? 놀기 좋은 가을인데도 다들 공부 열심히 하네;;
I got up at 4am for the flight from SFO to Boston. Too tired, but I met happy. 꽃길만 걷자의 영어 버전;; #happyhour #おはよう #meethappy
Eat well, play well. If I get a chance, I want to go back in San Jose. 再び訪れてみたいのサンホセ。よく食べてよく遊んで行きます。さようなら! #montereybay #pebblebeachgolflinks #greekcuisine #opasouvlaki #sanjose
My season in San Francisco. #きれいな空 #inandout #pier39 #unionsquare #goldengatebridge #stanforduniversity #greywhale